Monday, 24 January 2011

My favourite Cartoon

I don’t have a favourite cartoon because I have many favourite cartoons. But ... Who has not seen Pingu as a kid? Maybe some don’t, but many of us have watched this penguin made of modelling clay. So I bring this photo:

-The Mother is stroking his son while the doctor is asking what happens.

-The doctor is observing the penguin’s leg.

-The penguin's crying because he does not like going to the doctor.

-In addition, the leg is hurting a lot. The penguin is taking the chair to be quiet.

Who knows, maybe the doctor gives you a lollipop if you are good!


  1. Hello LYDiiA:)
    When I was little, I saw pingu :P jajaja
    I liked so much!
    Good job.
    Kisses lydia!!!!!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello girls!
    Thanks for write me a comment!
    But the comment posted for Iciar has been removed by a "Technical Problem"... jajajaj
    I'm happy that you like the post.
    Kisses! Bye ^^

  4. ooooooooooooooooooh! I love pingu!
    drawings are beautiful and very nice

  5. Pinguuuu =P OMG! Pingu it's very nice penguin! Good Job!

  6. jajajaja I watch pingu when was small and liked!!

  7. hi lydia!:)
    I like your cartoon
    I love pingu (L)
    post me a comment plis
    I LOVE YOU (L)
