- I was born on 4th July 1998 in the hospital Can Ruti, Badalona.
- When I was 4 years old, my father gave me a new bike.
- I went to my primary school "CEIP Mercè Rodoreda" in Lloreda.
- I went to my high school "IES La Pineda" last year.
- When I was 5 yearts old, I began play futsal at my primary school.
- Five years later, I went to play futsal in Santa Coloma de Gramanet at primary school
- When I was 4 years old, my father gave me a new bike.
- I went to my primary school "CEIP Mercè Rodoreda" in Lloreda.
- I went to my high school "IES La Pineda" last year.
- When I was 5 yearts old, I began play futsal at my primary school.
- Five years later, I went to play futsal in Santa Coloma de Gramanet at primary school
- The next year, I went to go at club of futsal "CFS Manent Sta. Coloma" and I played first
- The next year, I went to go at club of futsal "CFS Manent Sta. Coloma" and I played first
divison and second division.
- Now, I go to a great club of futsal in Montcada i Reixac "CFS Montcada" and I play Division of
- Now, I go to a great club of futsal in Montcada i Reixac "CFS Montcada" and I play Division of
Honor against FC Barcelona, Gimnàstic de Tarragona, etc...
- I go to 2nd ESO and I pass all subjects.
- I go to 2nd ESO and I pass all subjects.
good work brother