Thursday, 19 October 2017

Personal Profile

                                          PERSONAL PROFILE

Hello. My name is Malak Ezzaanouni. I'm Spanish. Im from Badalona. I'm 12 years old . But my birthay is in September.

my father is called Mustapha and myb mother is Fatima. They're from Morocco. I've got one brother    and one sister . Their names are Abir and Rayan. She has started the batxillerato this year, and my brother is still doing elementary school. I had many pets: a turtle, two parrots, three birds and a cat, but now I do not have any, although I love animals.

My hobbie is doing exercise. I like to ride a bike and run.
Resultat d'imatges de fotos de ejerciciosWath about you ? are you interested in doing exercise?

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