I asually get up at 7:00a.m. I look at myself in the mirror and say "I'm so cool " for brekfast I always have cereals and cup of cola cao . After brekfast , i go to school and I liste to my teachers for a fewhours . I like maths very much . I sometuimes meet grandparents for lunch at their hours.

In the afternoon ,I have lunch at have whith my sisters and I do my homework at 5:30 .p.lm .After that , I play "uncharted2"or listent to music . My fovorite youtuber at the moment is Auronplay ,. I think I will be famous one day .
In the evening , Ioften I lisent to music before dinner . Ihave dinner at 8:00p.m . As a special treatv sometimes I watch salvame on tv ! After that , I am usually go to bed at 11:00 p.m. As you can see , my live is very interesting.
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